$30 in advance / $35 at the door
Register in Advance: divinitree.com
Do you love to experience the flow of yoga practice but want to learn the mechanics of the surya namaskar (sun salutations) with more clarity and less effort? Join Dawn for this workshop as we explore the alignment of breath and postures in Surya Namaskar A & B and the vinyasa practice.
We will break down the fundamentals of Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Caturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) and many other poses common in the vinyasa practice. Expect to start with the wave of the breath and build the asanas into this fluid foudation. Deepen your understanding and optimize these sun salutations to open a gateway into ease in the vinyasa flow practice.
Expect to use props to feel different actions and ways of working the asanas, develop clean transitions, and look at how different bodies need different set-ups. You'll gain a new perspective on your practice and take home ways of exploring the asanas to optimize your strengths and support your challenges.
All Levels Welcome -- Please bring an openness to pause and reflect on a new view of your practice and its foundations. Come prepared to practice with focus and a sense of curiosity.