Checking Your Weather: A 4-Week Series
Join this series of online classes in January as we explore your internal weather patterns and their relationship to your commitments, the seasons, and your practice.
Take a sacred pause and retreat into practice and yourself through workshops, day-long retreats, and weekend retreats.
Join this series of online classes in January as we explore your internal weather patterns and their relationship to your commitments, the seasons, and your practice.
An opportunity to gather together in person for a special event hosted in Santa Cruz, CA.
When you lean in, what leans back?
As the seasons shift from summer to fall, there are moments where you may feel like you’ve been pushed off-balance. What happens when you lean into these changes? What postures help you feel more settled and give you the foundation you need now?
In agrarian cultures, the autumn harvest was a time for people to gather and preserve the fruits of their summer labors for the winter ahead. You are invited to join us for an autumn equinox practice and reaffirm or start a new ritual for the season.
In this series of four weekly yoga classes, we will explore these questions and inquire into the nature of strength as it grows in our bodies and yoga practice. Practices will be appropriate for all levels, and you are encouraged to explore what works for you.
Life is full of large and small pulses; so is a movement practice.
In this month’s SATYA practice you will have an opportunity to tune into the pulses of your body and your breath. These movements are done lying on the ground so that you can reduce a tendency toward over-effort and invite softness and ease.
This series of classes in July will invite you to explore ways that you can cultivate a soothing yoga practice to balance summer’s sun. Inspired by yoga philosophy and Ayurvedic teachings of the five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) we will explore how paying attention to the elements in your yoga practice can help balance the natural rhythms of the season.
The second special pop-up class to honor the summer solstice with a slow, supported practice of sliding and gliding. By allowing your body to soak and settle out of gravity, you have the opportunity to try new ways of moving with minimal risk. The earth offers both support and feedback.
A special pop-up class to honor the summer solstice with a slow, supported practice of sliding and gliding. By allowing your body to soak and settle out of gravity, you have the opportunity to try new ways of moving with minimal risk. The earth offers both support and feedback.
This online series is designed to explore spinal extension - the infamous backbends of yoga. You will explore backbends as small, simple movements and large, expressive possibilities.
You can expect to explore shape and breath with curiosity - How does it feel to move from your limbs? How does it feel to move from your center? What is in contact with the ground? What lifts away from the earth?
As you practice postures in a gesture toward presence, how do you know what is enough?
In a culture that encourages a relentless drive toward abundance, can you take time to nourish and rejuvenate? What does that look like for you?
This four-week series is an inquiry into feeling what is enough in your movement practice and allowing that to guide you to feel what is enough in your life.
What gestures move you closer to practice? How does a practice move you closer to presence?
One possible answer for these questions is that yoga postures are gestures we make toward practice, and practice is a move toward presence. I invite you to join us for a four-week series that explores yoga postures as gestures toward presence.
Are you finding it challenging to keep the rhythms that nourish and inspire you flowing? You aren't alone in feeling this way. Mid-winter challenges us in many ways, and it seems that this year is harder than past years. This month's series of yoga classes are designed to honor the rhythms of winter, and of this unique winter.
This 4-week series explores different qualities of support that are part of your yoga practice. Each week will introduce different yoga techniques used to develop support. Some of these techniques ask you to engage with your environment, like using a wall or yoga prop. Other techniques will ask you to find inner support when it’s not readily found around you.
What gifts have you received by moving your body? What gifts have you offered by moving your body?
Explore the gifts of movement by moving your body in mindful, curious, and creative ways. In this workshop, you will integrate many ways to move for a practice that is soft and strong. This practice will begin with a series of sliding and gliding movements that build to strong and dynamic postures.
This 4-week series explores different ways to move as part of a yoga/movement practice. When do you turn to familiar and comforting movements? When do you venture into uncomfortable or new movements? This workshop explores different ways of moving in practice as a way to explore embodied answers to these questions.
This four-week movement series will explore your side body - the ways you engage it for balancing and the ways you soften it for ease in movement. You will explore movement and postures that help you feel your side body connect your limbs to your trunk (including your neck) and integrate your front and back (think of your core as a responsive cylinder).
Pulses, waves, and spirals abound in this practice, just as in nature and the current of life. Expect an experience that is subtle, yet deep. June's theme is applied to both the SATYA and Asana Series in different ways. Each series stands alone, or take both to find the complementary experiences of SATYA and Asana with this inquiry.
In this asana series, you will explore what moves like the current of a stream and what appears motionless in that flow. June's theme is applied to both the SATYA and Asana Series in different ways. Each series stands alone, or take both to find the complementary experiences of SATYA and Asana with this inquiry.
Are you are seeking a short & sweet post-work yoga practice? Join me Wednesdays: May 5, 12, 19 & 26 for an exploration that transitions you from afternoon to evening.
Honor the space between summer and autumn with this outdoor yoga workshop that offers movement, breath, and the pause in a unique combination. Notice how these subtle practice have a deep impact in your body-breath-mind-heart.
Embrace the changing season with a short discussion of tips to nourish physically and mentally in autumn. You will explore movements that help cultivate grounding and steadiness as an antidote to the winds (figurative & real) that sweep through life. As your movement exploration comes to a natural completion, there is time to pause and rest.
Unplug from our always-connected world and plug into your yoga practice as a source of nourishment for yourself and your life. This winter yoga retreat honors the changing seasons and offers you a chance to explore the layers of your yoga practice.
Curious about Ayurveda and how can you start applying it to your life?
Join Talya Lutzker, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner since 2003, for an introduction to the foundational principles of Ayurveda and practical ways you can start applying them to your life today.
Join Dawn & Déva for a workshop combining the alchemy of yoga and acupuncture as we find the way these ancient systems help us honor the seasons and find balance.
Have you wondered about the philosophical roots of yoga? Are you wanting to weave the ancient teachings of yoga into your life and practice?
In this weekend workshop, we will begin to peel back the layers of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; we’ll look at key concepts and qualities that are emphasized in the text and select certain passages to explore in detail.
Honor this sacred transition into the New Year by joining Dawn in a special Candlelight Yoga Class. We will begin by setting a sankalpa (intention). You will then be lead through a series of supported somatic movements that gradually build into a slow, dynamic yoga practice for all levels.
Are you looking for ways to stay connected to yourself during the holidays?
31-Days of guided meditation offer you the chance to begin (or resume) a daily meditation practice that helps you stay nourished and resourced during a time of fullness.
Join Dawn & Deva for a workshop combining the alchemy of yoga and acupuncture as we find the way these ancient systems help us honor the seasons and find balance.
Dawn uses consent cards to honor your needs and preferences regarding hands-on touch in practice. She prioritizes verbal instruction and visual demonstrations but might find it helpful to use touch (with your consent) in certain situations. You are invited to flip your token over at any time to communicate your needs throughout class.
“Dawn’s approach to yoga, breath, and meditation have been transformative for me. Her insightful sequences, attention to alignment, and use of props have not only expanded my practice in the studio but have also given me the confidence to cultivate a sustainable home practice. Through her teachings and retreats she creates a yoga community that supports deep self-work, reflection, and growth. She has given me the tools to look inward, heal, and rest solidly in the present. I feel so blessed to have Dawn as my guide, I am excited to continue exploring this path alongside her. ”
© 2023 Dawn Hayes Yoga